
Matte Nails | Yay or Nay?

  Matte nails is a trend I've been seeing for almost a year now. Always been intrigued by it but I never went out to search for a matte polish or anything. Surprisingly enough I was at Hot Topic the other day and they were having a sale on any Warpaint beauty product. Everything $1.99, which included this matte nail polish. I decided to finally try it out and the results are pretty nice. It does leave a matte finish, very smooth and velvety. It dries quickly and it hasn't chipped yet. All in all, for $1.99 you can't go wrong, really. One thing I must say is, to my personal taste, the ideas and creations I can do with it are limited. I don't fancy a matte finish on pinks nor purples. I do like it on black and navy, something mysterious and elegant about it. Basically, I'll only be using it on darker colors, but that's just me.


  1. omg I can't believe you bought is so cheap! hahah I bought mine at sephora for like $8, where did you buy that one? it leaves the exact same finish, so pretty

  2. beautiful!! i agree with you...it looks great on dark colors!!!

    1. Yes! I'm a bit iffy on lighter colors. I'm not quite sure if I like.


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